The newest baby in the family. We have had a long string of angels sent to our family in the last 7 months. Yesterday our newest angel in the family arrived. He weighed 6lbs 13oz and 19in. long. He is so cute and soft and I can't believe how tiny he is. He is the only boy born this time around and the other 4 were all girls. Congratulations Raquel and Seth for a job well done. Enjoy your little bundle of joy!
My mom, Tomi, Milli and I went to Provo to visit them. It was a great time. I love being close to my cousins and extended family even those that live far away. In the picture Me, Tomi, Raquel, baby Kael, my mom and tia Marilu (Raquel's mom) and Milli. (I know my eyes are closed in the picture... but that is the only one we took all together).
That pic' of you is haliarious. LOL
Man I can't stop laughing.
Ok now I've controled myself can I just say how beautiful your cousin looks! Man I wish I looked like that on a normail day............but straight after having a baby. Wow.
Good for her man.
Plus the little cute baby is sooooooooooooo cute. I think I want one..........really soon.
Don't worry, your big smile makes up for the lack of eyeballs. How did your cousin think of that name? I have a nephew named Kael--he is one of the four that are Lily's age.
Wow! 5 babies born this year? Did everyone plan that?? How fun to have so many cousins to play with !
Yes. I took the photo of the hands on my blog. It was a photo of my 1st child, and my mom, and I cropped it down to their hands, and then tinted it. Thanks for the compliment on the photos. I'm just starting out... but I hope to get better!
Thanks for stopping by! Keep commenting... its fun to make new friends!
WAIT A MINUTE!!!! You came all the way to Provo and did not tell me. I live 10 mins away! I would have gone anywhere just to see you. LOL! I am just giving you a hard time. Cute babies!
Oh babies, I just want to squish em. You all look beautiful there together. I watched a baby on Sat. brings back a lot of what you forget over the years.
I am so glad that Tomi is there visiting!! Looks like you are having a blast!! Tell her she looks do you!! Your baby is beautiful!! Have a wonderful time while Tomi is visiting!!
Your blog is super cute. It was fun to see you the other day and your cute kids. I can't believe it has been so long!!!
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