Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sneaky Milli

She is fast and sneaky....

Caught. Frozen for a second....



That was NOT her gum.... Leah let her know what she thought of her actions!

Milli, however, was pretty pleased with her actions, even with the re precautions

Did I mention this girl is flexible?!?!  Cause she is!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


This weekend we had Trevino's over, at least a few of them.  I attempted to recreate Karen's very delicious lasagna.  First of all, Lasagna is, in itself, a labor of love.  Lasagna takes time!  We don't eat lasagna very often at our house, because somebody doesn't like the texture/taste of ground beef (or turkey for that matter). 

My realization was that I cannot re-create Karen's very delicious lasagna, even with the recipe in hand.... it looks much better than it tasted, see?

 I also realized that I love Dave's family.  I already knew that, but after what seemed like forever since seeing them it was just GREAT to see them and be with them!  Plus, how cute are Al and Otis together!??!  I think just adorable!

I realized that Milli is one of the cutest little things in this house and she could NOT stop talking about her cousins coming over!  It was so fun to see them play together so nicely, it makes for a great evening together....

I realized that I am a mean mom for feeding Otis this not-so-delicious baby food.  Have you ever tried the green beans or green peas!?!?  YUCK!  I tried it by accident and I hope it NEVER happens again!  Poor Otis, but I will continue to feed it to him.

I realized that this VERY simple salad of a bunch of spinach, tomatoes, onions and strawberries with a sprinkle of fresh Parmesan and a drizzle of Raspberry Vinaigrette should always be part of my day, YUM!

I realized that $10 of tomatillos and jalapenos will bring a lot of joy to that someone who does not like the texture of ground beef (aka. Dave).  That and some chips :) 

I realized how happy a full basket of fresh fruit makes me.  Its so colorful and yummy and healthy and pretty and best of all the kids love it as much as I do.  

And best of all I realized that as much as I see this face I DO NOT get tired of it one bit!  Every time I pulled out the camera to snap some pics of our little man he would pull this and blow in and out of his nose. I just love it!  

Thursday, February 17, 2011

More of Otis

There is no question that we just love this little man.

He has been doing some funny things lately.  For example, he pulls his shoulders up and down while eating.  His cheeks get all squished up and he smiles at us cause he knows we love it.  I attempted to take a picture of him while doing it, but this is the best I got....

He has been eating "baby puffs" and love them!  He also really likes the baby cookies.  However, he does not care for bananas very much.

He also scrunches his face and sticks his lips out and blows in and out with his nose.  It is SO cute when he does it!  (Clearly, I am a proud momma!)  This picture is now my screen saver and it makes me smile every time I see it.  I took it mid "scrunch face"....

Otis also loves his binki and I am grateful for that.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Yes, She is ALL mine!!!!

I love to take Milli with me on errands, but on this particular day it was not easy.  She was TERRIBLE!!!


She looks SO cute doing all the naughty things she did.

She just got these cute leg warmers from a friend and she insisted on wearing them all day, she also wore that cute tutu under her dress and a necklace, all while she climbed on top of the shopping carts at the store.  ON TOP of them ALL, not one, ALL of them.  I am not sure how she got up there so quickly, but she is a handful.... but a very "stylish" handful.

I love how different she is from all of us, but particularly how different we are from each other (at least in looks) People look at me funny when they hear her call me "mom" and I am sure they wonder if she is adopted or if she was switched at birth.

She is her own little person.  Happy, sweet, loving and a splash of drama.

Milli has been our flexible child. See....

She does this on her own.  She is just flexible by nature.  She is also SUPER strong!  She has the most amazing little ab muscles I have seen on a two year old.  She can do flips like her older sibling wish they could do.  I have high hopes for her.... gymnast? ballerina? gumby? we shall see.... (kidding)

For now I am just thankful that she is mine.  YES, she is ALL mine!  and I love it!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Girls vs. Boys

Girls are dramatic! But they can also be so sweet and will cuddle with siblings when they are sad to make them all happy again. (I love that!)

Exhibit A. 

Boys are, for the most part, chill. At least at our house.  BUT, they much rather cuddle with a big bag of Cheetos until its ALL gone! 

Exhibit B.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I just love her.....

(this picture was taken New Years Eve 2010 @ The Pearce's)

She has great fashion sense :), doesn't she?!?!

I thought I better write these two things down, before I forget... 

1.  A little while ago Milli was referring to the refrigerator as the "fridge-a-mater." She would say, very matter of fact, "my mulk (milk) is in the fridge-a-mater!"  We loved it!  We would try to get her to say it all the time.  She hasn't said it in a while, but Mylo reminded us today, and it just made me giggle.  

2. (Disclosure: This won't be as cute written, as it was heard with that cute Milli voice) I was folding laundry today (its all done AND put away, yes I totally rock!!! Back to Milli), and Otis was on the floor just hanging out, trying to reach everything and anything in sight.  Milli came in and she said, "Oh! Hi Owe-is!" Then I said, "he's mine!  That's MY baby boy, not yours!"  I was clearly teasing her.  She looked up at me and with a very "grown-up" look in her eye and tilted head, she said, "We can shae-oo (share)! You shae-oo  with me, mom!"  It was, exactly, what I say to her. " Ooook.... I will shae-oo" ;)

Oh she brings me more joy than I can express!  Dave said it perfectly the other day... "she has you wrapped around her little finger!" YES, she really does and I love it!!!!!!


Our little man is 7months old!  I really cannot believe it.  Time is going by so fast and he is doing so many things and progressing so much that it makes me sick and it makes me want to cry... but I won't.  Instead, I will just enjoy every last bit of this monkey. 

He looooves eating baby food.  He is a little chanchito (piggy).  He has 8oz of milk, then fruit for breakfast, then 6oz of milk for lunch, plus a veggie, then 8oz for afternoon snack, then veggie, fruit for dinner and then one more 8oz bottle just before bed!  Although he eats very well, he is not very big.  He is right in the 50% for everything. 

He is rolling ALL over the place.  Loves to be on the floor and tries to reach for EVERYTHING.  He strokes his hair while drinking his bottle.  Smiles when he sees us.  He reaches for us, and it melts my heart when he wants me.  He loves to snuggle with his Rihno and loves his binki when its time for bed.  He loves his bath and splashes almost like trying to give me a shower! He has TWO teeth and they are adorable... (clearly, I am a proud mama)

We call him OWE-is, because that is how Milli says his name :) 

Jazz Date

Al invited to go with him for a "date", that's what he called it and I loved it! We went to dinner and then a great Jazz game.  It was really nice!!!  I enjoyed my time with Al.  It was like the good ol' days, where we would talk about lots of things and he was that guys that I really enjoy.  He is a great guy and I'm glad I got to spend time with him.  I could tell he needed to talk and vent a bit and I am glad I was able to be there for him.  (That sounds, overly boastful, but he really did need to vent... so its the truth :)) He has been there for us in the past and we will forever be grateful for him..... Anyway, back to the date.  It was really fun!  Al has great seats, fourth row, that it felt like we were really close to the action.  We did, however, have a loud lady behind us, who knew EVERY players name and EVERY refs name and was able to keep up on EVERY call and it did get VERY annoying, but we laughed about it :)

THANK YOU AL FOR  A GREAT NIGHT, away from the daily routine of dinner, bath, reading and kids bedtime.  Lets do it again, SOON!

Boondocks FAMILY FUN Center

We got a gift certificate to Boondock over Christmas, so we had a FHE there.  It was really fun!  The kids played all sorts of games and Dave and I enjoyed some Skee Ball (sp?).  HOWEVER, these games don't get you lots of "tickets" so we then played a spinning wheel, like the one on The Price is Right, we got lots of tickets there :)

(I love Leah, she can be fun and cray and spontaneous and always ready to go out.  
She will be a stay-at-home-mom who doesn't stay home :)  )

The kids loved "helping" me "count" the tickets.  I think we only got 1013, which sounds like a lot to me, well I was wrong.  That doesn't really get you much when you have to split that between three kids that want silly toys.... still they LOVED it! 

I would love to do it again.  Next time, not so close to dinner time and with less coats, I hate taking care of our coats!  I know that's silly, but its a lot to carry.