Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Leah's Rendition of MLK Day

Monday was Martin Luther King Day.

Leah asked Dave to get doughnuts for breakfast (I know, that is just how we roll around here when we are feeling healthy :))

Mylo saw the flags out on the street and he asked why they were out.  Leah said it was because of the Holiday, Martin Luther King Day.  Dave asked her who that was and what he did.  (side note: We have never talked about this at home, all her info on this subject came from school)

Leah then proceeded to tell Mylo and Dave that "Mr. King helped the white people- like Milli (not like Leah and Mylo or Otis), be nice and play with the brown people and then they were all nice to each other."

She got the jist of it.  What cracked me up is that she said "the white people, like Milli." Baahahahaahahaaaa... I love her!  (and the "white one" too!)

2010 Family Pics

We took this picture just a few weeks before Christmas.  It took us all but 15mintues to get ready and to take the pics.  We had it on self timer and I must say I MUCH rather have Quinny take them.  But this worked for what we needed. 

I really love what God has blessed me with.  I take them for granted, but I love them more than life itself!!!! I ask myself, often, how could I (ME) be so blessed?!??!  I must have done something right.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I miss my blog....

I have been so busy lately that the blog is just not happening.  I feel like I cannot keep up with everything and still blog.  I am hoping to get back to it soon... I miss it!  The blog makes me document my everyday life and I have missed taking pics of God greatest gift in my life, my kids.  They are growing too fast and I want to remember every bit of their young life. 

I will be back... SOON, right?!?!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Big Boy

I hate to see Otis growing.  It great that he is growing and he is progressing, but I do not like it!!!

I have only been pumping, which makes me a little sad.  About a month ago Otis kept trying to nurse and would arch his back and scream as loud as he could.  For two weeks he would do that.  Then one day I thought I would try to pump to make sure I had a enough milk.  I got scant two ounces.  So basically the poor baby was hungry!!!  How sad!  He ate eight ounces that night and slept all night.  I have been pumping ever since and have been able to increase my milk supply (YAY!)  I am now pumping an average of 9oz in the morning and 5oz for the rest of the day.  I have been adding formula to top it off.  And this little pig is now happy as can be and eats 6-8oz EVERY feeding! 

I fed him rice cereal a week a go and he did pretty good.  He doesn't love rice cereal, but I have a feeling he will love real food.  I don't like to see him grow.  AT. ALL.  Stay little baby Otis.  I don't like my monkeys to grow.  They are cute and cuddly when they are little! He is becoming my big boy :(

Feeling loved....

For the past month our fridge has been getting filled with greeting cards.  I loved getting the mail in December!!!  There were some that arrived after this picture was taken and they are all neatly tucked away in the Christmas boxes along with all the other Christmas decorations. 

Can't wait for next year... I love seeing everyone's family growing and changing :)  Thx for thinking of us!!!