Thursday, August 26, 2010

Otis Potis...

This little monkey has been smiling at us for about two weeks. He smiled before that, but not on purpose... now he smiles when we talk to him and tries to talk back. He is so cuuuute!

These pictures were taken yesterday, right after being fed. We LOVE his big smile and sweet personality. I think a lot of his hair has fallen off, but he still has quite a bit of it.

He is soft and squishy and still a little fuzzy. I love to smell his little baby scent and kiss his neck and look at his perfect little face and fat little hands.

He has become much stronger with his neck in the last few days. Last night as I played with him, I would make him do a "sit-up", up to my face and he was cooing and awwing the whole time, and smiling too.

Not sure what he was telling me, but I sure loved what he had to say. After a long and exhausting day his smile made it all worth while. I love being his mommy!

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School 2010

Summer has officially ended for us with the start of school today. It is bitter sweet, but more sweet than bitter :) We have had a great summer with the highlight being the arrival of sweet Otis to our home. We have also enjoyed great time with family and friends.

Leah is now in SECOND grade! Crazy!!! I cannot believe my baby is growing and it makes me crazy and emotionally overwhelmed, but we do love to watch her grow. Here she is all ready for school. She calls this her "adult" outfit, because the shirt has so many "layers"... I think she looks very cute in it :) She is in Mrs. Broderick's class and she is excited about that. We have heard great things about Mrs. Broderick, so we are looking forward to what she will be learning and how she will continue to develop her skills. :)

Mylo is now in Kindergarten. He is small (please don't tell him that :)) but wise beyond his years. I think he enjoyed his first day of school. He came home happy, so that is a good sign. He said he didn't make any new friends yet, but that he will. He seems to little to be in Elementary School. Below, he is giving us his "mad" face, but I think its just another one of his cute faces :) I am SO excited to watch him learn to read this year.

Milli wanted a picture too. She looks crazy, but happy. I am glad I get to enjoy her a little more one on one this year. She is so much fun and always so loving.

Dave gave the kids father's blessing last night after our FHE. It was beautiful to see the kids sit so reverently and the spirit was so strong. Dave also gave Milli a blessing as well... I have never seen her be so still and reverent! She was really listening to what was being said.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Lego Suitcase

Leah made a Lego Suitcase for her StarWars Lego people (or at least a few of them). I was very impressed by her imagination and the functionality of the "suitcase". The suitcase had wheels and a handle long enough for her to pull it. It also had a functional top that closed and stayed closed while being pulled.

Not only do I love that she came up with this on her own and was able to execute it... but I LOVE HER!!! More than words can express.

I keep telling her to stop growing, but she insists she is not doing it on purpose. :) My cute girl!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ward Camp Out!

We went camping last weekend with the Ward. It was a great time. We got a FAMILY tent that fits up to eight, I guess we can have two more kids (not!). It was nice to all sleep in the same tent. Last time we did this (Milli was just three months old), I slept in the back of the van with Milli and Dave slept in the three man tent with Leah and Mylo. It was not the best night of sleep but it was fun. The kids loved it!

Otis was supposed to sleep in a laundry basket, but I don't think he liked the idea of that so he slept with me. We hardly saw Leah since she was playing with the buddies the entire time. Mylo and Milli were closer to mom and dad and really very easy. We set up our tent in a great spot and just hung out with friends. It was a nice relaxing time.

I LOVE my boys! All sweet and cuddly :)

Saturday, Dave was taking down the tent on his own... It was funny to watch him :)

Guzman's brought a hammock that was apparently a GREAT toy for many of the kids, young or old :) Thanks for sharing!

Top 10 of the camping trip:

1. Great spot to camp
2. Great company
3. Yummy breakfast
4. Good weather
5. Chit chatting by the fire until 1:30 in the morning
6. Teaching someone how to whisper (GREAT TIMES)
7. Laughing out loud by the fire with great friends!
8. Spending time as a family
9. Playing with friends
10. Learning that "crikey" is not a Kiwi word... hahhaaaa

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I can laugh at myself...

All day today I was looking forward to Zumba. Its an aerobics class that is slow latin dancing mixed in with some other fun music and some booty shaking. I went last week and it was a blast! I felt like I had really worked out and I came home sore, which I think is a good sign after an aerobics class. Well, the instructor had announced they would be having 80's night next week. I was really looking forward to the 80's class. So, today was the day! I knew what I was going to wear and how I was going to do my hair and I even added a little blue shadow to my daily makeup routine. Finally it was time go to the class. When we (I went with my mom and Mariann) arrived at the class I thought it was a little boring that no body else had really dressed up. I didn't even recognized the "80's music" that should have been playing. After about 30-40 mins into the class this instructor says, "Did you hear that Jeanine (first instructor) is going to have an 80's Zumba class? or was it this morning?" I was like... wait... this morning? Some of the people in the class say it was THIS MORNING! No wonder I was the only fool dressed in this get up! I did feel a little dumb for participating in something that had happened about 12 hours prior... but truth be told I would wear this outfit running or even a regular Zumba class. The only difference would be the earings and side pony. I am glad I can laugh at myself, otherwise I would have cried! hahahaaaaa!!!!!

by the way- those are supposed to be polka DOTS, not polka OVALS! My after-baby-thighs are stretching those "dots" into ovals... hence the reason I am attending a Zumba class!

Sleeping on the Tramp?

When Dave was a youngen he used to sleep on the tramp. Well, this last week he did just that, or tried to sleep on the tramp. Leah and Mylo were pretty excited to sleep under the stars. Dave was a good sport and "slept" with them. They woke up really happy and actually slept well. Dave said his back hurt, but that is just what happens when you get old, right? I think Dave is a pretty awesome dad for doing this. My dad wouldn't never even dream of doing this with us. I am not sure if they will be doing it again any time soon, but it was fun for them. I am sure they will remember it for quite some time. The best part of this was that I got to sleep in my bed all by my self and never even heard them get up in the morning... well, I never hear them :)

Treivno Get-Together

After the Spudman, Sarah had a Trevino get-together at her house. Its always a lot of fun, she and her family are great host.
Milli had a great time playing with Diann with the pretend makeup and hair stuff. Diann was a good sport and played along for quite a while.
Al and cute Otis. We miss seeing Al as much as we did a year a go, but life changes and it just makes the times we do see him a little more special :) We love our grandpa!

While up in Idaho, Uncle Vic took Carmen and Dave to take some photos. Here they are checking some of Dave's pics out. Its always fun to hang out with Dave's family. And its really fun to see Aunty Carmen.

Cute Nicholas and Karalee!

The kids played a lot down in the basement... I am sure they made a huge mess, but had a lot of fun. The girls came out in some dress up... THEY LOVED IT!

Leah and cousin Maddie... how cute are they?

This was my favorite outfit Leah came out in, she thinks she looks pretty dang cute in it.

Mylo thinks she looks really "sassy" .... hahahaa... He cracks me up!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Camping Sky

Dave had a hard night at the ward camp out... because he was in and out of the tent making this.... check it out!

Hyrum State Park Star Timelapse from And Art Design on Vimeo.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I am 31!

My birthday was last Saturday, Dave was out of town doing the Spudman, for the third year in a row, so a few wonderful ladies and I went out to dinner and some frozen yogurt Friday night. It was a lot of fun! The best part of the night was chit chatting at the yogurt place and feeling uplifted simply by having these friends. I really am so lucky to have friend I can count on and that lift me up when I am down and that can be silly and at times hilarious! Thanks ladies for making what could have been an ordinary boring night, so much fun! I LOVE YOU!!!

Dave got home late Saturday and was very tired. We fed the kids dinner and got some Indian take-out. It was delicious! The kids sang Happy Birthday to me with a candle on some doughnuts (no picture, because I look hideous!). Still that was not enough... Dave and I went out to lunch Monday to one of my favorite places, Kyoto. THEN, we went to pick out my birthday present... I have been wanting this for a very long time and Dave got it for me finally. I will call it my "thanks-for-giving-me-four-children-and-being-an-awesome-wife-and-mother ring" :) Thank you Dave for making me so happy and always giving me what I want, even if I have to wait for it :) You are the best and I love you!!!

Thank you Abuela for watching the kids while I enjoyed time away with my friends :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I cannot believe that I am a mother of FOUR! It feels 'normal', but when I say it, it sounds so weird and like a lot of kids for me. I love the sight of these four monkeys in one room all getting along.

Dave is out of town this week and it will be a long week with out him here. I am not sure how single parents do it. It makes me grateful for my 'team mate'. We work well together and help each other out all day long.

I cannot imagine life without any of the four monkeys pictured above. It feels like Otis has been around forever! Its great to see them love each other so much. They fill my life with a lot of emotions (wink, wink).

As long as I can get enough sleep at night this week should be pretty smooth. However, I miss Dave when he is gone and I rather just have him here. :)

Summer Fun

We finally have our Rec pass and we have been enjoying the pool a lot! Oti sleeps in the stroller while we play... its great! We have met up with several ward friends there and it makes for a WONDERFUL afternoon.

I wish we could be out there everyday! Last summer we couldn't be in the water as much as we wanted because of Milli's hand. This summer I was determined to not let Oti's arrival affect our summer. He is such a good baby and so mellow that we can still enjoy the best part of summer.

Family Visits

We had a GREAT evening last week when Aunts Carmen, Karalee, Sarah and cousins Megan, Maddie, Nicholas and Alex. They brought Grandma Karen's Lasagna, that was delicious! Best of all we just enjoyed their company. Its great to see Aunt Carmen since she lives in London, the kids love to play with her. It was a nice enough day that we ate outside... and got a few drops of rain, but that just added to the fun. Once the "locals" left, aunt Carmen got to enjoy sweet Otis.

Then she said "night, night" to the two older monkeys. It was seriously, such a wonderful time! I love out family (mine and Dave's). I am grateful that we all get along. Can't wait to do it again!

Thank You all for a great evening!