Thursday, January 28, 2010

Corn Chowder

Serves 6


8 ounces bacon, chopped
1/8 cup good olive oil
3 cups chopped yellow onions (4 large onions)
2 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter
1/4 cup flour
1 teaspoons kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric
6 cups chicken stock
3 cups medium-diced white boiling potatoes, unpeeled (2 pounds)
5 cups corn kernels, fresh (10 ears) or frozen (3 pounds)
1 cups half-and-half
1/4 pound sharp white cheddar cheese, grated


In a large stockpot over medium-high heat, cook the bacon and olive oil until the bacon is crisp, about 5 minutes. Remove the bacon with a slotted spoon and reserve. Reduce the heat to medium, add the onions and butter to the fat, and cook for 10 minutes, until the onions are translucent.

Stir in the flour, salt, pepper, and turmeric and cook for 3 minutes. Add the chicken stock and potatoes, bring to a boil, and simmer uncovered for 15 minutes, until the potatoes are tender. If using fresh corn, cut the kernels off the cob and blanch them for 3 minutes in boiling salted water. Drain. (If using frozen corn you can skip this step.) Add the corn to the soup, then add the half-and-half and cheddar. Cook for 5 more minutes, until the cheese is melted. Season, to taste, with salt and pepper. Serve hot with a garnish of bacon.

Source: Barefoot Contessa, Food Network
Notes: The recipe is actually doubled, but this is halved. It was really tasty and very easy to make. I used sweet frozen corn. This is not a
recipe you could make in the crock pot but its worth the work. It was sweet and comforting.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Millis "cheezer" and Some Copy Cats

Last night after we enjoyed a delicious corn chowder, we played around with the camera. EVERY single picture I took of Milli she smiled in. She kept on saying "gain, gain" (again, again) and then she would cheese for a long time and as soon as I would take the picture she would laugh. It was really fun!

The real "Cheezer"

We all did our best Milli "cheese" smile... I think Dave got it down the best. Leah and Mylo look like they are about to chomp on something and Dave said I look Asian, I agree. I think we should just let Milli do that cheese face, it suits her best!

Please see below. I really want to know what you think we are having.

Monday, January 25, 2010

18 weeks- CAST YOUR VOTE!!!

I am really excited to be 18 weeks. I still can't believe it and I don't feel pregnant other than a bit tired and some smells are disturbing to me. However, I did feel the baby move this week!!! Last night as I lay in bed, I was reading the Ensign while I heard my husband snoring, I felt the baby several times. It makes me really happy to know that its working. We will find out in less than two weeks what we are having and I must admit, I am anxious as to what this baby might be.

Milli was watching as Dave took this lovely picture of me. I asked her if she wanted to take a picture with me and she said, "yezzz!" The above picture took several tries, but the one with my little angel only took one shot, I should of had her in the picture all the time.

What is your guess, as to what I am having?

Please cast your vote.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Utah Gymnastics

Grandpa Al gave us his Utah Gymnastics tickets for last Friday's meet. I was only going to take Leah and when Mylo said he wanted to come... I said "why not?!?" We had a fun night together. The kids got high on loads of sugar and Mylo was literally jumping around and it was driving me crazy, but it wore off fast. They actually watched some of the routines and Mylo was impressed with the girls tumbling tricks. They are totally amazing!

Apparently I am the only one who knows where the camera is :) Leah is looking at Wesley Ruff, I am sure, he was there reporting and the guy is very handsome :) Mylo is not sure why I am so close to him, that is his "you're a weird mom" face.

Leah stuffing her face, literally, with a huge-overpriced cotton candy, and Mylo got a twissler thing almost as tall as him, also totally overpriced.

Dave's cousin, Christina and her family where there and Aunt Nancy as well. Leah and Elaia get along very nicely.

On the way out it was snowing so hard, we had to take a picture, but the snow flake totally covered my face. It was a fun walk back to the car. The kids loved it and it was nice to have a night with the older kids with out Milli needing my undivided attention. Thanks to Grandpa Al for those tickets, we will take them any day!

Not only did we have a great time but the UTES won!
GOOO UTES! You rock!!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Never Fails

It never fails that when I pull the camera out I get the best cheesy smile from Milli. She loves to get her picture taken and I can't resist. I love how different my kids looks and how different they all are. I think its wonderful that Heavenly Father knows what we need and when we need it more than we do. I also think its wonderful that these kids came to me (well and Dave also :))! I feel blessed everyday to have them in my life and I am SO grateful for it.

Milli has been a very cuddly mood lately and will pat or rub your back/shoulder when she is cuddling with you. Its SO sweet!

Today I am grateful for the never failing smiles from my little Mish and her cute siblings as well :)
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Friday, January 15, 2010

Bath Time a Piece of Cake

My new favorite time of the day is bath time. I can't remember the last time I gave my two little kids a bath. Leah has been giving Milli a bath/shower with her. Its great! She is really good at it and she likes doing it. It works out perfectly since I don't have to be in there. They both get clean and I don't have to take part in it until its drying time. Thank goodness for a big sister who is willing to give baby sister a bath (She might just be the reason we can handle a fifth child). As for Mylo, he just jumps in with Dave, it's been wonderful... I hope it continues :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bowling and More

A week or so ago we had the chance to watch two of the Bawden kids. Sammy and Charlie had lots of sleepovers here at our house. The kids had a blast all together. They played fantastically and listened quite well. Leah and Mylo also had a great time with them. On Monday night (a week ago) we went bowling. We had never taken our kids bowling and it was not very easy with Milli around, but the older kids had a great time, so did Dave and I. This was way more fun than Wii Bowling, plus the night our was a nice treat for all of us. Bumpers went up and off they went. We all got beat by Charlie, who got a 94! I lost with a whopping 36! I have never bowled that poorly and I have never been beat by my kids, let a lone their friends... It was so fun to watch the kids be excited for each other when they would hit lots of pins at one time. Mylo's ball seemed to take forever to get to the pins, but it would still get there! Milli took a few turns as well and she loved it. Sammy and Leah got really good at throwing the ball with more speed as the night went on.

We really had a fun time with the Bawden boys. At church on Sunday, when we had them, I looked over at our full bench and the kids were surrounding Dave and it filled my heart with joy. I can only imagine what it will be like to have the bench full of our own kids. Kids are so wonderful and to see them be so kind to each other was wonderful. Leah and Mylo already want them to come have another sleep over.... we'll see about that.
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Thursday, January 7, 2010

15+ Weeks

Its hard to believe that I am 15 weeks already! My belly looks way to big for how far a long I am. This is my fourth baby and perhaps my body is simply not even trying to hold it in. But its out there. Certainly not the most flattering picture of myself... but the house is clean, laundry is up to date, Milli is sleeping and I felt like updating my blog... so I didn't wait for Dave to get home to take a better picture.

This pregnancy has been weird. I haven't really felt pregnant. I don't ever get sick or throwupy, this time has been no different. I have been a little tiny bit naucious and food that usually sounds good, hasn't. I haven't been tired like I have with the other pregnancies. I have been just normal. All of this is so hard, mentally and perhaps a little emotionally as well. Its hard to believe that I really am pregnant. I have been a total worry wart about this baby as well. I have seen it three times, seen the heart beat twice (nice and strong) and have heard that precious sound once. I have had a priesthood blessings and I have been blessed with a body that can carry this baby, why am I still so doubtful?!? I already feel like I love this baby (as I have all of them, even the ones lost). I want it to be mine so badly! I wish I felt more pregnant, if there is such a thing. For now I will count the days until my next Dr.'s appointment.

I think I have felt the baby move... but its not constant. When did you first feel your baby move? How frequent was it?

Happy Day to Karen!!!

Its Karen's B-day today! We miss her ... a lot! We think of her often and can't wait to see her again :) Wish we could give her just one hug or talk to her for just one minute or hear her laugh or see her sparkly blue eyes.

Miss you!!!!

(I wonder if she is with our little unborn baby... perhaps just wishful thinking... but maybe true. Still its nice to think of it in that way)

Sunday, January 3, 2010


I love, LOVE change. I have had to deal with change all my life. My parents moved around a lot and we had to be quick to adapt to our new environment. I love that about my life. I think it gave me opportunities that have really blessed my life. I have always been able to make new friends easily and I think it also helped to be willing to try new things.

That being said... I find it really hard to change things about myself. I have always been able to 'run away' from my problems. I never stayed in one place long enough to even make trouble, not that I am one to cause trouble. This year for my new year's resolution I am going to strive to be more like I was. That might sounds a little strange, but I was a different person years ago. I miss that person inside me. I still see glimpses of that cute little girl, but its just glimpses. I want to be her again.

As Dave and I discussed our resolutions (he has a bunch) I said I would only work on that one thing. I think it encompasses a lot. I certainly have to work on my physical state of being, but that will be after the baby comes. For now I will walk and try to keep my legs some what fit. It certainly includes my spiritual state, to which I feel I lack a lot of. I think my new calling will help me with that, so I certainly feel its an inspired calling. It also includes my emotional sense and also my relationships. I want to be more sensitive to others needs, their feelings and think before I speak or act. This is not going to be easy. It has already proven difficult, its only been three days and I have caught myself being 'short' with others (particularly the ones I love) often. I want to be an over all nicer, better, more loving, caring, kind, thoughtful, patient person. It should be too hard, right? I think if I just work on one thing I will be able to accomplish it.

I really love that picture of my siblings and I. Marcos always so loving, Esteban with that mischievous smile on his face, Tomi too little to show her spunky self :) and me... my old self. I am really looking forward to what this year will be bringing me. I hate waiting, but I guess I will be patient and simply enjoy the ride.
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