Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pumkin Carving

We love to carve pumpkins! It sets the mood for the upcoming Halloween. Dave and I clean out the guts and separate the seeds. The kids draw the face and you can see the results. Dave has always done some fancy thing, but he was in a hurry this year so he made a 'regular' jack-o-lantern, Leah wanted Padme, Leah drew Milli's and I carved it out, Mine is always happy (just like me), and Mylo wanted a Rex so I drew it out and carved it. It was a lot of fun. Milli LOOOOVED the whole thing, she wanted to get her hands in there and do just as much work. She also kept on trying to eat the cut our pieces, silly girl!

I love Milli's face in this picture, she is too much!

The results! Pretty fun!

Pumpkin Patch

We went to Pak's Pumpkin Patch in Farmington a week ago to pick out our pumpkins. Abuela came along, thank goodness since Dave was out of town. The kids went ran through the hay maze. Milli squicked through the whole thing. They ran around and loved it! Milli pretended to be a pumpkin and rode on the little cart, which was SO heavy we needed both me and my mom to haul it back to the car. It was a windy day and there was a huge wind storm right as we were leaving. It was a fast and furious trip.

Mylo's new buddie (kindda)

Rob Dyrdek is a professional skateboarder and has a show on MTV. Viewers ask him questions and he answers them (duh). Dave and Quinny were asked to get a bunch of clips for it and Mylo asked him a question. Check it out!

Its right at the beginning.... SO CUTE!!!!

Mylo: Hey Rob! What do you eat for breakfast?

Rob: eeeeggs (shy and trying to be cute just like Mylo)

Leah's Friend Party

We have usually had a big Halloween B-day Party (and its always a lot of fun), but this year we changed things up. Leah invited five of her friends and cousins. Mason was the only boy :) Leah told the girls that Mason and her have been "best buds since they were babies" so he had to come, too cute!

We went to the watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. It was really fun. They all got popcorn, candy bag and water. They sat through the whole thing, no potty breaks and no complaining. It was a great time. Leah loved being with her friends.

After the movie we had cupcakes and presents. It was a little ghetto, but Leah didn't care and the other kids didn't either. It was the right amount of kids and the right amount of gifts and the right amount of time. On the way home we took Mason home and then listened to a CD that Gabi and Mason had put together for Leah. The girls were all dancing and singing along. They had a great time!

It was not super warm outside but the kids didn't seem to mind. I think we might make this the new b-day tradition....

... well, next year will be a big one since she will be turning 8! Until then, we have great memories of this b-day. Best of all Leah was super happy with her celebration. Its great to see she has good friends!

Thank you to Dave for taking Mylo and Milli while we had fun and Aunt Sarah for helping me out with the girls!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy SEVENTH Birthday to Leah!!!!

It's hard to believe that seven years ago on this very day, we were holding our "little" bundle of joy in our arms. She changed our lives FOREVER! Leah was born on the October 26th, 2002 VERY late at night (23:48). She was short and fat. 18" and 8lbs 15oz. Time has flown by and it has been SO much fun. She was a super fun baby and always wanted to be out and about and the center of attention, which she was for us :) Not much has changed.

Leah is a lot of fun and certainly keeps us on our toes and at times on edge. I cannot believe she is SEVEN! Every time I think about it, it makes me want to cry. I have always wanted her to grow up but I hate that it is happening so fast.

WE LOOOOOOOVE YOU MISS LEAH!!!! Happy day to you!!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Milli Update

What can I say.... I am in love! I can't get enough of this kid right now. She is so fun. She loves to dance, she wants to do everything the big kids are doing, she signs a few words, and its so cute. She is sassy, like her older sister. She loves me SO much, its a bit overwhelming. The other day Mylo was sad and needed mom, when Milli saw me cuddling Mylo she immediately came over and tried to push him off. To make a long story short, I ended up with two very sad kids who ONLY wanted mom and nobody else! She is such a tease, she can be found taking a toy from Mylo all the time. As soon as she takes a toy away, she 'quickly' runs away with a big naughty smile. I have to laugh every time, because she is too little to be so sneaky. Mylo said we should call her "Swiper", like on Dora. Milli has also been tippy-toeing around, instead of walking normally. I am not sure why she does that, perhaps she is trying to build those calves muscles at a young age (she is bound to have chicken legs). She is all girl and LOVES it when I comb her hair, or do it up fancy, or she can be found with a headband and a huge smile, since she put it on by herself.

Milli's hand is doing pretty good. We still have a long road ahead with the glove but I think its doing something. She recently got two new gloves (that makes three) and she is really good about putting it on. The glove is super tight so it can help the scaring to be smoother and heal down rather than up. When people ask about her hand she often says "owie" as she points to it, I guess we talk about it enough that she knows what is going on.

She also loves to shop with me. It will be so fun when my girls are older to all go shopping together!

Mylo Update

If I would let him he would play his DS all day long, but we don't, so she doesn't (unless we are on vacation or in the car for a loooong time). He lives and breaths Star Wars all the time. He has yet to figure out how to use the "forest" to get things done, but he still tries every once in a while. He still makes us laugh with all his funny and grown up things he says. Today, I asked him to run down stairs and get his jacket. He said, "mom, but I am dizzy, remember?! You get it, please". He was sick a few weeks ago and figured out that if you are dizzy you can just stay and do nothing. Of course I said, "fine, i will go get it". As I was running down the stairs he whispered "ha, it worked!" THE LITTLE BUGGER! I let it go since we were in a hurry to run out the door, but seriously the kid is just a nut! He has pulled this "i'm dizzy" bit a few times, he just doesn't want to do it.

He is in pre-school and he really enjoys it. He is a bit timid, but has managed to make friends. He has a lot of work to do with his writing and coloring, but I think he just gets bored with it all. If school was electronic he would have no problem at all :) As my schedule has gotten busier, I have not been the best at keeping track of all his stuff and I missed out on his field trip. I felt SO bad! He told me that there was a field trip that morning and I just said, not today. Seriously, the poor kid! I hope he forgets this soon and that I can make it up (at least for myself)

He can almost get away with anything so long as he looks at us with his puppy dog eyes that are almost irresistible!

Leah Update

Leah has been playing soccer for the first time this season. She really enjoys it. I can't say she is a natural but has definitely scored a few for the team. She often forgets what she is doing and "day dreams about Star Wars"... jajaaa. I think that is so funny. She told her coach that one time when she missed the ball :) Its a four on four girls team and for never playing before some of the girls are really good. It has been really fun to go watch her as a family and cheer her on.

She is getting SO big! She is loving school and making lots of friends. I volunteer at the school on Tuesdays, in her class, and its fun to see her interact with the other kids. She is a total social butterfly. Everyday when she gets home from school I ask her what her favorite part about school was that day and she always says, "recess." Seriously, we are in so much trouble later. I am sure the phone will be off the hook all the time. She is a lot of fun. I have been impressed with her school work and the progress she has made. She has found a lot of confidence in her reading and I love to see that.

My boys!

Dave is out of town! I hate it when he is out of town! I have gotten SO used to having him be home ALL the time that is makes me miss him even more. This is a long one too. He will be gone a full week. But, I think he needed a change of scenery and perhaps I needed to learn to appreciate him more than I do. He is in Orlando filming some Dew Tour stuff, for work (of course).

I love this picture because they have a similar expression and its cute :) Dave and Mylo can totally melt my heart and I feel very lucky to have these "boys" in my life. Just two of my many blessings.

Monday, October 12, 2009

THE update

Ashley and I have opened our etsy shop!!!

Check us out at ShabbyBands.etsy.com

This is why we have been so busy. We will soon have a blog giving you the latest information on where you can find our Shabby Bands and other products.

A HUGE thanks goes out to our kids, who have been towed around to fabric stores, the farmers market and been left to fend for themselves at times (j/k). Also to our husbands, who have had to deal with our 'crafty' mess almost on a daily basis.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I cannot believe Dave and I have been married ten years, today! Last night as we talked about what it was like ten years ago and what we were doing it was almost surreal to think of all the great things (and the occasional not so great things) that have taken place.

Here are a few pictures of pictures of our wonderful day...

(I have no time for this right now, so I will keep it very brief)...

I love, Love, LOVE Dave more than I can express. He is SO encouraging in all of the things I want to do. But best of all he helps me live my dream of being a stay at home mom.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009


The other day I was cleaning up dinner and I turn around to find Milli on top of the kitchen table! I set her down and then she went right back up again! She is trouble!

Although I don't want her to climb up there I let her do it one more time so I could get these pics and I think she looks so cute up there :) Our other two never climbed on anything (at least that I can remember). When Milli does something she is not supposed to do, or when she takes a toy away from Mylo, or when she doesn't want to take her medicine, or when she doesn't want to go night night, she makes the cutest little face and runs as fast as she can in the other direction.

Birthday Counter

Leah was asking every day, sometimes a few times a day, how many days where still left for her b-day. So we made a counter last week and it has been really fun. We might just have to do it for every b-day!

The days are going by so fast! I can't believe my baby is going to be seven so soon!!!