Yeah right! I could write a book on all the things I have to do around the house and out of the house as well... but the kids need me more than usual today, so for a fun time we made some cupcakes. They were so excited that they watched the cupcakes bake for the first 5 minutes or so. We made purple cupcakes for Leah with red and blue food coloring in the mix and "blue" cupcakes for Mylo. (Mylo's cupcakes were actually green because we used a yellow cake mix... he liked them just the same). After the cupcakes cooled we decorated. It was fun and a bit messy... all in all we had a great time. I love making messes with the kids I just wish someone else would clean up for me.

Now who will be the recipients of these delicious treats? Not sure... but Mylo wants to give them to his friends "the Robots", I am not sure who that would be.
That looks like so much fun! You're a great mom!!
Ok I've gotta get me one of those hats. Then maybe my cupcakes would turn out like yours.
oh milz!!!! LOL so hard!!!! Love ya girl... you are hilarious!
Oh fun! I love the little chef hat!
How fun! I love baking with kids! Those hats are so cute, where did you get them?
La verdad Lau que tenés una paciencia increible para embarcarte en esas actividades con los chicos... yo creo que no tengo esa capacidad! Se ve super divertido... A Mylo no le sobrará una para convidarle a la tia Jo... si es que sus robots ya están satisfechos, digo... jajaja.
Thanks for updating...looks you guys have a lot of fun!! When are you posting a new pic of Milli??? :-P
My mom got these hats and aprons for the kids at Christmas time. We found them at Target in the toy section... I am sure they still have some. And they DO help the kids make their treat super yummy!
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