Thursday morning I woke up at 5 a.m. and had to wait until 6 to call LDS Hopsital to make sure they had room for me to go in and get induced. They told me to be there by 7:30. Dave and I got everything ready and left... I must admit I was a bit nervous for what was ahead but VERY excited about the whole thing. When we got there they were ready for us and I had a wonderful nurse, Liz. I quickly informed her that I was going to have a natural birth, meaning with out an epidural, and she quickly said great, I will help you with whatever you need. So I was very pleased with that. She got the IV going and then the wait started... It was VERY SLOW for the first 5 hours. I was progressing very slowly. The contractions were strong and I had to use some of my hypno/relaxation methods to work through them. Dave was a long side me reminding me to stay as physically relaxed as possible and would stroke my arms or hair (very sweet, I love him for it) Margy, my midwife, came in and broke my water at around 2:37pm. Immediately my contractions got way more intense and a lot closer together. I was constantly having to do my deep breathing exercises as I listened to my hypnosis scripts on my ipod. Dave had me keep changing positions so that Milli would be in a perfect position to come "out". About an hour later I felt some pressure and Liz, came in to check me... I was ONLY at a 4+. I was a bit discouraged as I knew I had a ways to go and this was getting very difficult. About another hour later I hit the wall... as I was laying on my left side I had three contractions that about killed me and I broke down. I got super tense and my body was just fighting it self. I told Dave I just couldn't do it and to get me the epidural. He asked me if that is what I really wanted three times before he went out to tell Liz. No sooner does he go out here come Liz. She had called Margy to tell her to come in. Margy suggested I take some fentanelle, which would take the edge of the contractions. Ok... Whatever! Please just help me! By now it was about 4:45pm. Margy came in checked me and I was COMPLETE! I was ready to push... WHAT!? My body had gone from a 5 to a 10 complete in a matter of 20 minutes. That is why those 3 contractions had been so difficult. The fentanelle never kicked in but for some reason I was able to do it. It was amazing to work with my body to get Milli in to this world. I cannot describe what it was like, it felt like an out-of-body experience. Milli was out in less than 4 minutes. She was born at 5:07pm. It was two and a half hours from water being broken to having Milli in my arms, crazy!
WOW! I just had this baby with no epidural. Is this really my baby that I have been waiting for, for such a long time? I was surprised to see this little blond baby on my belly and I was overwhelmed with every emotion possible. I feel so incredibly blessed to have another daughter of my Heavenly Father to care for and raise. To teach and to love and guide in the best way I know how. I am so eternally grateful for this little princess in my home and in my life.
Here is a slide show of our wonderful experience with Milli's arrival.
Milli's Birth Day!
We are now home. I feel wonderful and Milli is doing really good. She is a good little eater and hasn't cried very much, yet. The kids want to hold her all the time and they are very soft. Mylo loves to give her very little kisses and Leah likes to touch her hair or help me change her or help with whatever I am doing with her. I am sure that will wear off soon but for now I really love that they want to be involved and that they are being so soft.
Laura and Dave- Congratulations! I am so excited that Milli is here safe and sound. I'm especially glad that Laura you were able to have her natural. We love you all and are so glad that Heavenly Father has blessed you with such a beautiful, beautiful child.
I am glad that you didn't give in and that things went close to planned (even though "as planned" never really appears as we have it visualized). Let me know if you need any extra help, quick runs to the store, or a change of dinner menu! I send my love and extra minutes of sleep to you!
Congrats again! She is beautiful. Let me know if you need anything. We're excited for you!
I like the family pic, the one of the three kids and the four generations pic of the women towards the end.
Good job Laura. I'm really proud of you.
Ring me.
I can't believe you were on the pit and didn't have an epidural!!! You are amazing! W/ both my kids I waited as long as I could w/ the pitosin (sp?) but it nearly killed me. the contractions w/ that are so strong and unnatural! You are my new hero!!! I've always toyed w/ the idea of having a natural birth, but only if I'm not induced! Congrats again! She is gorgeous, just like you!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is so exciting! I can't belive that she is a blond!! She is beautiful. And wow, I am impressed that you did it natural. I couldn't ever do it.
Laura, I am so impressed. I am such a wimp when it comes to labor etc, although, none of my epidurals have ever worked all the way; they usually only take on one side or something crazy. You will have to tell me more about it, I am curious. You are amazing!
I saw a natural child birth in my child development class in college. The woman was screaming and grunting and sweating. Needless to say, I was scared to death and moderately horrified. I am so glad that things went well for you! You look fabulous in the slide show, and your baby is beautiful. I am overflowing with admiration for the fact that you birthed naturally. Now a marathon will be nothing for you, you can do anything!
Laura & Dave, CONGRATULATIONS!! I am just so excited for you both! Milli is beautiful, and I am so proud of you Laura for doing it natural, what a woman!!
Realmente una experiencia inexplicable con palabras!... que alegria que hayas tenido el parto del modo que tanto deseaste. Ya lo creo que es increible un nacimiento y muchisimo más si se da de forma natual. Una vez más, bienvenida Milli, felicitaciones por tu trabajo y felicidades para toda la familia por su llegada.
I am so happy that things went how you wanted ....very brave of you for wanting to do a natural birth and so sweet of Dave for been so supportive and loving guys make a great team. Love the family picture...looking forward to more pictures of little Milli ... can't wait see her beautiful little eyes.
Congrats again, Lau. I'm so happy for you!
Oh she is soooo sweet! I'm glad your labor went so great:) You're awesome!
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