I have decided that spring might just be my most favorite season. So many great things happen in the spring. For one we can have a cool breeze through the house and the weather is just perfect outside. The trees bloom, the flowers start to grow, the earth looks so green and beautiful. Its just easier to get up and go. The kids finally get to play outside. The kids have had a great time playing outside the last few days and I have really enjoyed it as well. Milli has enjoyed the warm weather, as she just lays in her bassinet under the warm sun and I am pretty sure she is loving it. Dave got some yard work done and we had Nicholas and baby Ax over as well. I feel so well that I wish I could go out and play too. Here are a few pictures of the kids enjoying the recent good weather (of course now its not so sunny).
Mylo playing with the water table. He could play for hours.

Leah and Mylo. I love it when they play well together, it makes me smile!

Mylo and Nicholas also loving the warm weather.

Baby Ax. This kid is always smiling. He is so fun!

Milli LOVING the warm sun. She looks so tiny and she has already changed so much!
Man that water thing looks like tons of fun. I didn't know you had that!!!
I'm glad you guys are enjoying the weather, especially Milli.
Aside from allergies, spring is my favorite season. Just as you said, cool breeze in house, yet delightful outside. Your kids are beautiful.
We have been trying to take advantage of every warm day as well. The kids love it, but then are disappointed the next day when it's not so warm. Oh well, summer will be here soon enough.
I agree that it is GREAT to head outside. We have got that same watertable here at our house. We pulled it out on Monday. It is getting a bit small for Meg...but she still loves it. It was the first time Paige played in it. She loved it! Next comes the blow-up pool! Yeah for warm days!
Esos nenes estan hermosos!! I want to see them sooo bad! I liked the pic of Muylo and Nicky...I could see Franky in the back...Anyways, awesome pics, keep the posts coming, Poopy!
I definately agree with you on the Spring thing- it is my favorite time of year also. Fall would have to be my second favorite.
The kids look like they were having so much fun. I am impressed that even Milli was out and enjoying the sun! Where did you get your water table?
Monica, I got the water table at Toys R Us. They have another one with more frills as well.
Buenisima esa tabla de agua!... Mati alucinaría por una así, pero aquí no he visto... A mí también me encanta la primavera... y el verano!!!!. Los chicos se ven preciosos!!! Todos!
Love baby Milli's pics, I can't believe she is so blonde!! Water table is pretty dang cool too, what a fun summer toy.
I love the spring, when it is nice outside. I am getting sick of the weather tricking us. I want more warm. I, as everyone else, love that water table.
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