He is a very smart kid! He can spell like a champ and is a great reader. School is so easy for him he doesn't even try, which has become a bit of a challenge since he gets bored and goofs around. He has some great friends and together they are a lot of fun.
Here's a sampling of our sweet, funny, mellow boy...
Dave got him this mask while on one of his trips. eheheee, makes me giggle!
Crazy face
Sweet as pie
HANDSOME! look at that face!!!!!!
Mellow, go with the flow kid, even when getting his cavities (yes, plural!) filled.
Did I mention he lost a top toof, finally! We yanked it out the other night and he was SO happy.
I cried, He didn't. Dave laughed at me, for crying. I cried because his "baby" smile is no longer! Makes me sad to see my kids smile change. Now he will get huge teeth that will probably be all messed up and his baby face will become a big boy face, im not ready for that!
Now he is Mellow, Toofless Mylo!