My little man is particular in who he likes and will cuddle to... However, it has been clear that Otis really likes Esteban....
Esteban has a liking to this little man as well. He asked me if we both die if he can have Otis, to which I replied he would have to take all or none. Otis will often cuddle with Esteban like this and its so cute and Esteban loves it!
This little monkey has learned how to climb out of his temporary crib. Poor baby, if I had to sleep in one of those for this many months I would learn how to climb out too. The other day he fell as he was climbing and it was not a pleasant experience. He hasn't done it since. He is a monkey!
Otis and Milli go to Abuela's house every Monday for me to volunteer at school, however on this particular day I had gone to a kickboxing class with my Trevino SIL's. When I got back to Abuela's Otis was SO tired, he feel asleep while Abuela and I chit chatted in her kitchen. Cute baby!
On a better, not so cute note, Otis has been having some BM problems for 2.5months! We tried and tried to figure out what was going on. I eliminated dairy and did soy, that just seemed to make matters worse. We thought he was teething, but that just seemed to last too long for teeth. Tried giving him a bland diet, nothing. I made an appt to see a GI dr and like a miracle it just stopped on its own. After 2.5 months I am glad to change a "good" diaper. Mylo also had this "problem" when he was a bit older than Otis is now. It eventually fixed on its own. However, I was concerned with Otis' weight and he growth. He is small, but not to be concerned from a dr.'s perspective. Glad he is getting better!!! We sure love that little stinker :)